Orders Module


Orders module connects the customers directly with the company. It allows the customers to manage and request new orders, these request gets routed to assigned enterprises in the module. The enterprise section of the module process the request and established a clear channel for communication with customer.  As the lead UX designer, I did the research, developed the information architecture and conceptualised the screens. 

💪 Challenge

There are different types of order, processing of each order is in a different way.

Communication with the customers should be Omni channel through email, phone or web.

The system should be intuitive enough to be used by customers office staff with minimal training. 

One order can have more than one certification and product in it, the requirements and the steps changes based on this.

💡 What I did

Interviewed customer side employees and enterprise side employees.

Email thread study, actual points of interaction.

Shadowing of customer service personal on enterprise side

Simulated workshop to understand how different orders are processed.

Created higher level Service Blueprint.

Presentation and technical discussion with team on feasibility constrains.

Focused interviews and refinement of Service Blueprint.

Information architecture, user profiles and preliminary sitemap was developed.

PM chaired the stakeholder meeting and I presented our finding and vision for the product. 

Organised a focus group card-sorting workshop to prioritise the requirement and establish roadmap.

Wire-framing, brainstorming and user testing.

Due to confidentiality only limited information is shared on this page. 📨 Send me an email, I would be glad to chat more about this.

📱 Solution

Dynamic stepper 

Customers process the requests for different certifications in parallel through emails. To cater to this requirement and with foresight on the complexities that will be brought by future requests from the client. I proposed a new design for progress stepper.


Omni channel communication

World trace allows transparency to customers and allows them to communicate through web, email and mobile.


Dynamic forms

A same type of order is processed differently by different client enterprise. To collect additional information outside the unified flow, I introduced our own google form builder 😉.  


Single place for all information

Dedicated page for each order, allowed the enterprise staff to quickly respond to customer and rise issues if required.

📖 Learnings

🤵   Stakeholder management.

🔥   Leadership

🖥️   Presentation

The project was a pilot phase of a bigger project ‘Framework module which would involve 6 other module like this. Keeping in mind of the bigger picture and designing was an interesting challenge in this project.